PENELOPE (Penny)- Sarah Braun
The interesting young lady who works for "Almost Perfekt" magazine. Penelope’s mindful care for her health and diet helps in her promotion to Head Writer for the Health and Wellness column of "Almost Perfekt". She has what some may consider an odd outlook on the world around her, which comes alive in her daily daydreams. Often to an almost hallucinogenic state where the fantasy alters reality right before her eyes. |
SARAH- Jenna McLaughlin
An upbeat head writer of the "Almost Perfekt" magazine's Consumer Reports (and gossip) column who enjoys the research part of her job. Camera always in hand, Sarah loves to be on “the scene” to party and also to dig up any dirt she can on any companies, any celebrities, or anyone. |
CHRISTIAN- Ryan Crepack
Christian is a happily married man who calmly carries himself with such confidence and charm which aides in capturing the eyes of his female co-workers. Working as a journalist in the Men's Fashion section of "Almost Perfekt", he is considered a "big brother" around the office. |
MR. CARTER- Edward William Wasser
The mature, clean cut chief editor at "Almost Perfekt" magazine who is strict, yet fair. He praises his staff for hard work, and pushes them when they are slacking. Never knowing what mood to expect Mr. Carter to be in when walking into the office helps him to keep the ass-kissers at bay. |