BOOG - Music Video
ARTIST: Boog - @chronictouch
DIRECTOR: Nate Lyles - @lylesnate
ACTRESS on "Toxic Taste": Juliana - @juliana_provata
ACTRESS on "Blue Skies Trippy": Melissa - @melissavlara_
CINEMATOGRAPHER: Garett - @i_am_ridler_
DRONE OPERATOR: Carl - @cobbino
MAKEUP/HAIR: Tyler - @fleshindisguise
DIRECTOR: Nate Lyles - @lylesnate
ACTRESS on "Toxic Taste": Juliana - @juliana_provata
ACTRESS on "Blue Skies Trippy": Melissa - @melissavlara_
CINEMATOGRAPHER: Garett - @i_am_ridler_
DRONE OPERATOR: Carl - @cobbino
MAKEUP/HAIR: Tyler - @fleshindisguise
- Protective masks are to be worn at all times on set; unless otherwise performing in a scene
- Social distancing of 6 feet from each other is to be practiced unless otherwise performing in a scene
- Cast and crew should avoid touching their eyes, nose and mouth.
- Handwashing facilities with running water, soap and paper towels (dispensed using a non-touch system, if possible), adequate for the number of cast and crew, shall be available and accessible from the first day of work.
- Handwashing facilities shall be kept clean and well-stocked.
- Stations with alcohol-based hand rub (“hand sanitizer”) with at least 60% alcohol shall readily accessible.
- Production will encourage and promote opportunities for cast and crew to practice hand hygiene and perform disinfectant wipedowns of high-touch areas.
- Hands should be washed or sanitized: ο Upon arriving at the job site; ο After blowing one’s nose, coughing, or sneezing; ο After using the restroom; ο Before and after eating or drinking; ο After handling shared equipment or objects; ο After cleaning or disinfecting equipment, tools or workspaces; and ο At other appropriate times throughout the workday
- Protective masks are to be worn at all times on set; unless otherwise performing in a scene
- Social distancing of 6 feet from each other is to be practiced unless otherwise performing in a scene
- Cast and crew should avoid touching their eyes, nose and mouth.
- Handwashing facilities with running water, soap and paper towels (dispensed using a non-touch system, if possible), adequate for the number of cast and crew, shall be available and accessible from the first day of work.
- Handwashing facilities shall be kept clean and well-stocked.
- Stations with alcohol-based hand rub (“hand sanitizer”) with at least 60% alcohol shall readily accessible.
- Production will encourage and promote opportunities for cast and crew to practice hand hygiene and perform disinfectant wipedowns of high-touch areas.
- Hands should be washed or sanitized: ο Upon arriving at the job site; ο After blowing one’s nose, coughing, or sneezing; ο After using the restroom; ο Before and after eating or drinking; ο After handling shared equipment or objects; ο After cleaning or disinfecting equipment, tools or workspaces; and ο At other appropriate times throughout the workday