DAYS 31-36
DAY THIRTY ONE: "In She Walked, Squeezing My Heart" [Enter THE LADY"]
Call to set - 9:00am ET
After bringing a superior interest in participating in this movie project and displaying the strong presence that was demanded of The Lady, Samantha Elmer [THE LADY] was cast. Her first day on set proved that decision to be the correct one.
Today was fun! Pancakes & dancing, oven fires & buttered rolls, tight as red pants & tattoo art.
Samantha brought life to the early-to-rise set and to the role. Her on screen chemistry with Mike Voutsinos [DAVE] was excellent in showing the dominating emotional detachment that The Lady possesses over Dave in our tale. Their first scene shot together was an argument and they went at it full force and on point, face slap, nut-crunching & all. Because Mike was so gung ho about keeping the face slap REAL and telling Samantha to just hit him when the time comes, I wondered if he’d also do the crotch squeeze for REAL too… no go. Heheh!
Taking tricks learned from the faux tattoo artist of the movie Cabin Fever, I had the pleasure of applying some faux tattoos to the lovely Lady. This took me back to high school days in the lunch room, scribbling with a Sharpie marker. Only here we used an eye-liner pencil. One tattoo was applied using a pre-arranged ink transfer and the other was hand drawn. All other tattoos on Samantha were her own. Another detail that has been added to The Lady is that of her hair/hairstyle. It is as it is described in “The Slut always Rides Shotgun” book, but with a twist. You’ll see. ^_^
As the day continued and eventually came to an end we had all bonded on both a personal level and that of professional networking, sharing tales of our daily lives joking as only we could on this particular set. ^_^ Communicating as such really helps to create the comfort and trust that I believe we should all have when working on a project as subjective and delicate as this, with its foreseeable moments of sensuality. A sensuality that we will explore and delve into a bit more over the next two days.
Call to set - 9:00am ET
After bringing a superior interest in participating in this movie project and displaying the strong presence that was demanded of The Lady, Samantha Elmer [THE LADY] was cast. Her first day on set proved that decision to be the correct one.
Today was fun! Pancakes & dancing, oven fires & buttered rolls, tight as red pants & tattoo art.
Samantha brought life to the early-to-rise set and to the role. Her on screen chemistry with Mike Voutsinos [DAVE] was excellent in showing the dominating emotional detachment that The Lady possesses over Dave in our tale. Their first scene shot together was an argument and they went at it full force and on point, face slap, nut-crunching & all. Because Mike was so gung ho about keeping the face slap REAL and telling Samantha to just hit him when the time comes, I wondered if he’d also do the crotch squeeze for REAL too… no go. Heheh!
Taking tricks learned from the faux tattoo artist of the movie Cabin Fever, I had the pleasure of applying some faux tattoos to the lovely Lady. This took me back to high school days in the lunch room, scribbling with a Sharpie marker. Only here we used an eye-liner pencil. One tattoo was applied using a pre-arranged ink transfer and the other was hand drawn. All other tattoos on Samantha were her own. Another detail that has been added to The Lady is that of her hair/hairstyle. It is as it is described in “The Slut always Rides Shotgun” book, but with a twist. You’ll see. ^_^
As the day continued and eventually came to an end we had all bonded on both a personal level and that of professional networking, sharing tales of our daily lives joking as only we could on this particular set. ^_^ Communicating as such really helps to create the comfort and trust that I believe we should all have when working on a project as subjective and delicate as this, with its foreseeable moments of sensuality. A sensuality that we will explore and delve into a bit more over the next two days.
DAY THIRTY TWO: "Slippery When Wet”
Call to set – 10:00am ET
Another day on set with Mike Voutsinos [DAVE] and Samantha Elmer [THE LADY] is another day of progression, make-up, tattoos, sweaty bodies, yoga, upside-down hand stands, and racy talks off camera. Fun Times ^_^
Today we started the morning early (again) and got right into it. This day involved more “adult” situations and various scenes that Mike Voutsinos [DAVE] and Samantha Elmer [THE LADY] tackled with professional esteem. They also undertook some enjoyable activities between scenes (get your mind out of the gutter).
During one of the tech rehearsals I found Samantha instructing Mike in a nice yoga routine. Mike seemed a bit out of place, but he got it down after a while I was told. ^_^ (Don’t worry we have video footage.) And then the two of them were performing hand stands during another. These actors and their weird drama-course preparation techniques. Heheheh
The shoot went smoothly though. Slippery actually, once the spray bottles were introduced to soak the skin and produce faux sweat on the two actors. I’ll have to look up a better mixture to keep the “sweat” on the actor’s skin longer. But, plain ol’ water did just fine today. It wasn’t sticky or smelling funny. Just cold on contact was the only complaint (ah-haa), but it kept them focused eh. ^_^ Each time I called “Cut” I had to re-spray sections of Mike and Samantha’s bodies. I felt like I was punishing a cat for scratching my favorite Batman sheets or something (not that I have Batman sheets or anything it’s just… um, yeah).
But I’ll tell you, this being my first feature length movie and of this variety it has been great working with such professionalism administered today, and also on every day of filming with this team and cast.
One of the best things throughout this day and into the night is that we all, seemingly deliberately, made it a point to establish our boundaries and our trust and above all our respect for one another. Without that respect (throughout the entire film) many scenes would not have come together as good or believable. Samantha, hats off to you for coming in and bringing The Lady the courage and freedom she was meant to present to the audience. Much respect to the entire cast and crew.
The days are winding down to the completion of production. A few more days to go!
Call to set – 10:00am ET
Another day on set with Mike Voutsinos [DAVE] and Samantha Elmer [THE LADY] is another day of progression, make-up, tattoos, sweaty bodies, yoga, upside-down hand stands, and racy talks off camera. Fun Times ^_^
Today we started the morning early (again) and got right into it. This day involved more “adult” situations and various scenes that Mike Voutsinos [DAVE] and Samantha Elmer [THE LADY] tackled with professional esteem. They also undertook some enjoyable activities between scenes (get your mind out of the gutter).
During one of the tech rehearsals I found Samantha instructing Mike in a nice yoga routine. Mike seemed a bit out of place, but he got it down after a while I was told. ^_^ (Don’t worry we have video footage.) And then the two of them were performing hand stands during another. These actors and their weird drama-course preparation techniques. Heheheh
The shoot went smoothly though. Slippery actually, once the spray bottles were introduced to soak the skin and produce faux sweat on the two actors. I’ll have to look up a better mixture to keep the “sweat” on the actor’s skin longer. But, plain ol’ water did just fine today. It wasn’t sticky or smelling funny. Just cold on contact was the only complaint (ah-haa), but it kept them focused eh. ^_^ Each time I called “Cut” I had to re-spray sections of Mike and Samantha’s bodies. I felt like I was punishing a cat for scratching my favorite Batman sheets or something (not that I have Batman sheets or anything it’s just… um, yeah).
But I’ll tell you, this being my first feature length movie and of this variety it has been great working with such professionalism administered today, and also on every day of filming with this team and cast.
One of the best things throughout this day and into the night is that we all, seemingly deliberately, made it a point to establish our boundaries and our trust and above all our respect for one another. Without that respect (throughout the entire film) many scenes would not have come together as good or believable. Samantha, hats off to you for coming in and bringing The Lady the courage and freedom she was meant to present to the audience. Much respect to the entire cast and crew.
The days are winding down to the completion of production. A few more days to go!
DAY THIRTY THREE: “Dominatrix Matrix”
Call to set - ET
A whip.
A collar-restraint.
A ball-gag.
A video camera
And screaming and cursing.
This paints the scene for a day that you can never take back even if you wanted too.
And I would not want to take back any of it! We had another day of fun here. PJ Smart made another appearance as WILLIS opposite Samantha Elmer’s THE LADY. There was a “dominating” sequence that occurred and never got out of hand. It came together PERFECT! (I say this as I have already edited this scene, late on posting this entry due to jumping right into post-production) As I try to tip-toe around details and not give the scene away, I have to give props to PJ and Mike Voutsinos [DAVE] for strapping on a ball gag & accessories and getting the shit slapped out of them! (Remember parents, this movie is not for your young’ins! Oh, but YOU, you’re gonna like it lots! Heheh!) And I must deliver props to Samantha for being a such dominating BOSS!!
There is not too much to put down about this evening without spoiling some hot moments in the movie but, this was the day we wrapped up the remaining scenes of sexuality. Positions were tested, wardrobe was changed and rearrange, spray bottle sweat was applied and as I said, FUN was had!
Lastly, on this day we filmed one of my favorite shots. It’s a silent scene captured in quite blue tones. Dave and The Lady have just finished one of their “sessions” and she rests up on his chest looking down to him. As they converse a bit (under a narration to be added), their muted whispers are seen in silhouette. The shot closes with their shadows melting together as The Lady lies down on Dave. Then Dave motions a bit with an expression that is just noticed as he looks up almost towards the blue tint. I loved it! Better to be seen than to be read about!
Hm. . . just like this movie. . .
Better to be seen.
(Soon! ^_^)
Call to set - ET
A whip.
A collar-restraint.
A ball-gag.
A video camera
And screaming and cursing.
This paints the scene for a day that you can never take back even if you wanted too.
And I would not want to take back any of it! We had another day of fun here. PJ Smart made another appearance as WILLIS opposite Samantha Elmer’s THE LADY. There was a “dominating” sequence that occurred and never got out of hand. It came together PERFECT! (I say this as I have already edited this scene, late on posting this entry due to jumping right into post-production) As I try to tip-toe around details and not give the scene away, I have to give props to PJ and Mike Voutsinos [DAVE] for strapping on a ball gag & accessories and getting the shit slapped out of them! (Remember parents, this movie is not for your young’ins! Oh, but YOU, you’re gonna like it lots! Heheh!) And I must deliver props to Samantha for being a such dominating BOSS!!
There is not too much to put down about this evening without spoiling some hot moments in the movie but, this was the day we wrapped up the remaining scenes of sexuality. Positions were tested, wardrobe was changed and rearrange, spray bottle sweat was applied and as I said, FUN was had!
Lastly, on this day we filmed one of my favorite shots. It’s a silent scene captured in quite blue tones. Dave and The Lady have just finished one of their “sessions” and she rests up on his chest looking down to him. As they converse a bit (under a narration to be added), their muted whispers are seen in silhouette. The shot closes with their shadows melting together as The Lady lies down on Dave. Then Dave motions a bit with an expression that is just noticed as he looks up almost towards the blue tint. I loved it! Better to be seen than to be read about!
Hm. . . just like this movie. . .
Better to be seen.
(Soon! ^_^)
DAY THIRTY FOUR: “The Quick & The (Almost) Dead”
Call to set – 11:00pm ET
Today we went back to the beginning. Back to the 3-man shoot day that it was when we first started. Mike Voutsinos [DAVE], Dimitri Voutsinos [Asst. Director] and I got right into it as soon as we got to set. The hours went smooth as we established shots for a scene where Dave wakes the morning from a drug induced hallucination and dream. I shot this with the intent and knowledge that we would later be putting Mike in front of a green screen to play with some of the trippy after-effects used to highlight his waking from a dream that could have been his last.
We did a test run with the green screen in the editing room, and it’s coming together good. Dave seems as if he’s floating around, as to give the view that his mind has been affected much by his new “high”. After working in a bit more effects, I’ll have look exactly how I’d like.
Today was too quick to be eventful, with only one shot needed, and the next day would be similar. But we’re getting closer to the end and getting the remaining pieces together so it’s cool. Plus after such an adventure in film making already, a couple quick and quiet days aren’t so bad!
Although I have started edits on some scenes already, the editing room still beckons me!
Call to set – 11:00pm ET
Today we went back to the beginning. Back to the 3-man shoot day that it was when we first started. Mike Voutsinos [DAVE], Dimitri Voutsinos [Asst. Director] and I got right into it as soon as we got to set. The hours went smooth as we established shots for a scene where Dave wakes the morning from a drug induced hallucination and dream. I shot this with the intent and knowledge that we would later be putting Mike in front of a green screen to play with some of the trippy after-effects used to highlight his waking from a dream that could have been his last.
We did a test run with the green screen in the editing room, and it’s coming together good. Dave seems as if he’s floating around, as to give the view that his mind has been affected much by his new “high”. After working in a bit more effects, I’ll have look exactly how I’d like.
Today was too quick to be eventful, with only one shot needed, and the next day would be similar. But we’re getting closer to the end and getting the remaining pieces together so it’s cool. Plus after such an adventure in film making already, a couple quick and quiet days aren’t so bad!
Although I have started edits on some scenes already, the editing room still beckons me!
DAY THIRTY FIVE: "The Walking Dead Tired"
Back into it. 3-Man team. Another quick night of filming after the night shift at our 9-5s. Or more like 2-10s as we crawl on set like zombies!
Mike Voutsinos [DAVE] and I arrive on set 1st. As we start to set up we find rejuvenation on preparing to do what we love! So, we get to work on a few scenes that don’t require sound recording. Just the two of us. These are various shots of the character Dave typing on his computer and surfing the web. Mike and I discuss the future of the movie during set up and downtime as we wait for Dimitri Voutsinos [Asst. Director]. We talk about our wonders of how the audience will receive it. How this will all come together, and about the journey we took to get here, to what is technically the day before the final day of shooting.
Once Dimitri arrives we set up tech for the next scene. This scene takes us back to the aftermath of the 312 Party scenes where Ryan Feeley’s character SLIM is nowhere to be found once an ambulance appears on the scene. We get through these moments of filming while still discussing the completion of the movie. Thank goodness it’s almost done. I say this only because of the spoils of completion in the form of watching and distributing it! Sharing the film and watching it relate to the guilty pleasures or taboo corners of the audience’s psyche. ^o^ Can… not… wait!
The funniest thing tonight: Dimitri and Mike break into improve of the characters Shane and Rick on “The Walking Dead”! Glad I had the camera on cause they were on point!! Hahahaaa! (video posted) It took me back to our sketch comedy days of improvisation. Hm, maybe just a glimpse at what could possibly in the the coming future. I’d like to get into something more light after this project, before getting back into the uncategorized film noir that fascinates me so. Til then, let’s see what the tomorrows have in store for us!
Back into it. 3-Man team. Another quick night of filming after the night shift at our 9-5s. Or more like 2-10s as we crawl on set like zombies!
Mike Voutsinos [DAVE] and I arrive on set 1st. As we start to set up we find rejuvenation on preparing to do what we love! So, we get to work on a few scenes that don’t require sound recording. Just the two of us. These are various shots of the character Dave typing on his computer and surfing the web. Mike and I discuss the future of the movie during set up and downtime as we wait for Dimitri Voutsinos [Asst. Director]. We talk about our wonders of how the audience will receive it. How this will all come together, and about the journey we took to get here, to what is technically the day before the final day of shooting.
Once Dimitri arrives we set up tech for the next scene. This scene takes us back to the aftermath of the 312 Party scenes where Ryan Feeley’s character SLIM is nowhere to be found once an ambulance appears on the scene. We get through these moments of filming while still discussing the completion of the movie. Thank goodness it’s almost done. I say this only because of the spoils of completion in the form of watching and distributing it! Sharing the film and watching it relate to the guilty pleasures or taboo corners of the audience’s psyche. ^o^ Can… not… wait!
The funniest thing tonight: Dimitri and Mike break into improve of the characters Shane and Rick on “The Walking Dead”! Glad I had the camera on cause they were on point!! Hahahaaa! (video posted) It took me back to our sketch comedy days of improvisation. Hm, maybe just a glimpse at what could possibly in the the coming future. I’d like to get into something more light after this project, before getting back into the uncategorized film noir that fascinates me so. Til then, let’s see what the tomorrows have in store for us!
DAY THIRTY SIX: "Wrap It Up, Cue the Music"
Call to set – 11:00pm ET
It seems only fitting that what is to be the final day of production (re-shoots pending) for “The Slut Always Rides Shotgun” movie would end with this scene.
DAVE [Mike Voutsinos] drives along the highway through the thick of the night until he reaches his destination. In the parking lot of a church building, constructed with the tallest cross pegged steeples ever, Dave sits in his car under a dim lamp . . . masturbating.
This scene speaks volumes on the levels of the character Dave’s emotional state in this movie. What is also interesting about this scene is that it was actually suggested by actor Mike Voutsinos, who plays Dave. His great interest in this role has been most beneficial in the production of this film. So when he texted me one night like, “Nate I got this scene I was wondering about. I don’t know if you’ll like it or not…” I had no choice but to hear him out. It didn’t take much convincing once we discussed the scene that I had to be filmed.
And so, there we were: One camera, one light, one car, one Actor and a Director possibly committing an un-holy crime to capture a scene.
As of now, Day 36 will be the last day of filming (apart from re-shoots). There may be scenes added next season once the weather gets back to the climate of the movie.
Til next time!!
Call to set – 11:00pm ET
It seems only fitting that what is to be the final day of production (re-shoots pending) for “The Slut Always Rides Shotgun” movie would end with this scene.
DAVE [Mike Voutsinos] drives along the highway through the thick of the night until he reaches his destination. In the parking lot of a church building, constructed with the tallest cross pegged steeples ever, Dave sits in his car under a dim lamp . . . masturbating.
This scene speaks volumes on the levels of the character Dave’s emotional state in this movie. What is also interesting about this scene is that it was actually suggested by actor Mike Voutsinos, who plays Dave. His great interest in this role has been most beneficial in the production of this film. So when he texted me one night like, “Nate I got this scene I was wondering about. I don’t know if you’ll like it or not…” I had no choice but to hear him out. It didn’t take much convincing once we discussed the scene that I had to be filmed.
And so, there we were: One camera, one light, one car, one Actor and a Director possibly committing an un-holy crime to capture a scene.
As of now, Day 36 will be the last day of filming (apart from re-shoots). There may be scenes added next season once the weather gets back to the climate of the movie.
Til next time!!